Hotel SØMA
SØMA pillugu
© Paul Zizka , Visit Greenland
Hotel SØMA
Kalaallit Nunaata ilaa
Matumik aninissat sioqqullugu misigisassarsiornerit aallarteriissaaq. Kalaallit Nunaat piviusoq misigiuk, pinngortitaq kultoorilu alutornartoq misigikkit, tamaanilu najugaqartunut utertitsiviginnillutit.
Ukiut 50-it sinnerlugit Kalaallit Nunaanni
in Greenland
© Stacy W. Head, Visit Greenland
Ukiut 50-it kingulliit ingerlanerini Kalaallit Nunaata ilaani sumiiffigisatsinnut asannilersimaannanngilagut, aammattaarli nassaarisimallutigu misigisassat sumiiffiillu alutornarluinnartut ataatsimoortissinnaanerat.
Kissaatigaarput immikkut ilisimasaqarnerput atussallutigu tikeraatsinnut Kalaallit Nunaat piviusoq takutissallutigu, kissalu kialaartumik iseqquserpalaartumillu inissaqartinnissaannut. Pingaartumik taamaaliorusuppugut ilisimallugu taamaaliornitsigut tamaani najugaqavissut ikorfartortariaqalersimasullu tapersersorsinnaallutigit.
Sooq SØMA?
Amerlasuut apeqqutigisarpaat SØMA qanoq isumaqarnersoq. Eqqortoq oqaatigissagaanni, tamaani najugaqavissunit taamatut atserneqarsimavugut. Aallaqqaataani ilisimaneqarpugut "sømandshjemmetut" - tassa imarsiortut angerlarsimaffiattut kissartunillu neriartortarfiattut. Cafeteriagut suli ilisimaneqarput najugaqavissut naapittarfiisut, "søma"-mik taaneqartarlutik. Tamanna tigulluarsimavarput. Ilisarnaaterput nutaaq taamaalilluni oqaluttuarisaanitsinnik, illoqarfigisatsinnilu qanoq inissisimanitsinnik naleqartitatsinnillu imaqalerpoq.
© Emil Ruby, Visit Greenland
more than just a trend
For the past 50 years, Hotel SØMA has prioritized sustainability as one of our core values, reflecting our longstanding commitment to responsible business operations. We have always been dedicated to being more than just a part of the sustainability trend, and at the heart of our sustainable strategy is a deep commitment to encouraging and inspiring our guests to make sustainable choices.
It is known that around 82% of travelers want to make a positive difference by traveling sustainably, but only a few percent manage to translate this desire into action. Read more.
For us, genuine sustainability is about more than just following a trend. It is about taking authentic actions and creating real change, which we have made an integral part of our daily operations and values. Therefore, we ask ourselves two central questions:
What can our travelers do?
We strive to create an environment that makes it natural and exciting for travelers to choose sustainable solutions, reflecting our belief that even small changes can make a big difference.
What can we do?
Our location in Greenland makes us particularly aware of the consequences of climate change. We are committed to openly measuring our progress, so our guests can see how their stay makes a positive difference and so we can hopefully inspire our colleagues and partners to make similar actions. At the same time, we are also aware of not biting off more than we can chew. We do not have the resources or opportunity to change everything for the better – but we try one small step at a time.
Photo by:
Mads Phil, Visit Greenland