
Oplev backcountry ved og på dine fødder.


En klog mand sagde engang, at hvis du kan gå, kan du også prøve snesko. Det er virkelig utroligt, hvor meget nemmere det er at udforske det snedækkede land med snesko på fødderne. Din kropsvægt er fordelt jævnt på overfladen, hvilket giver dig mulighed for at gå ubesværet selv i dyb sne. I Sisimiut er vi heldige at have et fantastisk bagland, så mulighederne er uendelige. Nok af ord, se det selv!

Varighed: 2,5 hours
Price pr. person (min 2. pers.):
2 pers.: 245,-
3 or more: 350,-
This lovely little island, called Sallinguit in Greenlandic is connected to the mainland by a bridge. It hosts the oldest remains of human existence, not only in the area of Sisimiut, but also in the whole Greenland, dating back as far as 4500 years. During this easy hike we will follow a historical route and see old peat houses and stonegraves. Being on the Tele Island gives us a great opportunity to see the frozen ocean on one side and a panorama of the city on the other. 

Varighed: 3,5 – 4 hours
Price pr. person (min 2. pers.):
2 pers.: 600,-
3 – 6 pers.: 400,-
If you love hiking and admiring the landscape from above, we particularly recommend the tour to Palasip Qaqqaa (Præstefjeldet in Danish). This 544 meters tall mountain is located just next to the airport. This hike is a bit more challenging, but also very rewarding. We will drive to the starting point of the route, walk up the valley, climb a few steeper hills and finally relax on a plateau leading to a small shelter, built by students a few years back. We will have our hot drinks and snacks here to enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view, before we head back the same way. 

Varighed: 2 days + 1 night
Pris pr. person:
2095,- /person
*sleeping bag and 4 meals included (2x lunch, 1x dinner, 1x breakfast) 
Join us on this genuine arctic adventure to the quirky-looking cabin located in the mountains by the fjord. You will feel like an arctic exlorer as it will only be us and the vast winter landscape.
We will start this 12 km hike by walking from the dog town and through a valley between two mountain ridges. Further north we will begin our ascent to the flat top of the hill where the UFO cabin is located. Once inside, we will prepare our hot meal and have time to relax and take photos at the frozen fjord and the mountains.
After a night in a sleeping bag, we will prepare a warm breakfast and make our way down to the city. During the hike you will carry a backpack with the needed gear and food. 


$Spørg efter pris/Per person
  • Alder 12-70


$Spørg efter pris/Per person
  • Alder 2-11

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